Friday, 16 December 2011

Sharp Tor and Hunters Tor - 12th Dec 2011

Sharp Tor, Nr Castle Drogo
Two Orienteering races over the weekend had left my legs stiff, but I wanted to get out and back on the Tor Trail after such a long break predominately due to a calf injury suffered in July.  Happily that seems to be behind me and so I set off for a walk with Bramble to explore the in the valley below Castle Drogo.  We set off  from Fingle Bridge and climbed on the path to Drewston Common, after the initial climb the path levels off and offers great views over the moors with Kes Tor in full view.  We were soon at Sharp Tor (181), an interesting Tor perched on the side of the valley.  We didn't venture to far out along the Tor as the rock was wet and slippery. We continued on to Hunters Tor (180) which sat atop a long spur.  Not stopping long as the rain had now set in we descended into the valley and keeping to the northern riverbank we followed the path alongside the river back to Fingle Bridge.